Practical Info Nursery School
Dear parents,
With the opening of the new school year 2016 – 2017, please note the following
information to facilitate your child’s schooling.
School opening and closing
• School opens at 8.20 am, entrance through the Leoforos Stratou gate. The
children arriving by taxi are admitted through the Amalias Street gate.
• During the first 3 days (from 7th till 9th September), parents can enter the
schoolyard and remain with their child till school starts (8.30 am). For the very
young (TPS) and young (PS) children, this will be possible till 16th September.
• Nursery school finishes at 2.00 pm, exit through Leoforos Stratou gate.
• No child will be allowed to be picked up by a third person not mentioned on the
registration file.
• Parents should respect the opening and closing hours of the French
School (8.20-2.00) to facilitate the proper functioning of the school.
• For morning snacks or lunch, do not give your children chocolate, crisps,
chewing-gums and soft drinks. Choose, preferably, water, fruit and meals easy
to eat.
• Do not bring birthday cake for your child’s birthday. Pastry workshops are
organized at the end of each month.
• Please dress your child in comfortable clothes (shoes with laces, belts and
suspenders are to be avoided).
• Please make sure to leave spare clothes at school.
• Clothes lent out by the school should be washed and brought back to school
promptly. Do not forget to write your child’s name on his/her school
supplies (bag, water bottle, clothes, etc.)
Practical Tips
• For the very young (TPS) and young (PS) sections, a comforter or a teddy bear
is allowed if your child needs it.
• Please do not bring toys to school.
• The teachers are not allowed to give medicines. If necessary, contact the school
secretary’s office.
• Lice is a common occurrence among children and not considered taboo; please
let the teacher know if your child is infested.
• For appointments with teachers, please contact the secretary’s office.
• Remain connected! Read your e-mails regularly.
• For the respect of both your child a nd teachers’ work , as well as to avoid children
crying, please do not sit near the windows in the cafeteria.
• All pedagogic matters will be discussed during the parent-teacher meeting
which will take place on 21st September (6.30 pm)
• Remember that the pedagogic team is here to help on a daily basis.
Snack time
TPS-PS (Maria Vogiatzi) 9.30 am
MS (Anne Jacquet) 9.30 am
GS (Laurent Mostini) 10.00 am
Lunch time
TPS-PS (Maria Vogiatzi) 11.30 am
MS (Anne Jacquet) 11.30 am
GS (Laurent Mostini) 11.45 am
Best wishes for a happy school year!
From the Nursery School Pedagogic team.